Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade



The Best Civilization Strategy Game. Conquer with Greece, Rise to Greatnes.


Dive into the world of strategy and empire-building with Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade. This game takes you through a compelling journey of conquest, culture, and creativity. As a player, you'll be tasked with governing one out of 14 unique civilizations, rising from a small clan to an unstoppable empire. The game provides a captivating blend of Real-Time Strategy and MMO gameplay, layered with a rich historical narrative that promises hours of immersive gaming. With the individual uniqueness of each civilization and wide variety of commanders, this game ensures no two playthroughs are the same.

Game play

  • Choose one of 14 historical civilizations and lead your empire from a single clan into a great and powerful force.
  • Engage in Real-Time Battles that happen on the map, where anyone can join or leave at any given time.
  • Explore and investigate a world covered in fog, uncovering hidden treasures and preparing for ultimate battles.
  • Issue new orders to your troops at any time, providing limitless strategic possibilities.
  • Use full alliance features to cooperate with other players, capturing important locations and accomplishing group achievements.


  • Strategically diverse gameplay with wide choice of civilizations and commanders.
  • Engaging and vibrant graphics that bring the historical eras to life.
  • Interactive world map, which provides seamless navigation and exploration.
  • Dynamic alliance system that encourages teamwork and strategy.

Related Comments

  • Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade has provided hours of captivating gameplay with intriguing strategies and battles.
  • The stunning graphics and intricate world design make it one of the most aesthetically impressive strategy games on the market.
  • Historical figures as commanders add a layer of depth, enriching the game with historical context.

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