State of Survival: Zombie War

State of Survival: Zombie War

Strategy Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Survive the Zombies War in this RPG game of Apocalypse and Survival


  • Welcome to the world of State of Survival: Zombie War, a gripping RPG game set in the aftermath of a terrifying zombie apocalypse. Six months ago, the world as we knew it plunged into chaos due to a mysterious virus that turned people into mindless, flesh-eating abominations. Your mission is to not only survive in this post-apocalyptic world infested by zombies but also claw back some semblance of civilization by fighting the hordes, building and expanding cities, and forming alliances.
  • Game play

    • In this game, it's all about survival and strategy. You have to fortify your city, build up your defenses, and train your soldiers to fight off the zombie hordes.
    • Spread your influence by creating alliances and help each other to stay alive.
    • Equip your soldiers with a variety of weapons to increase their fighting prowess.
    • Rescue other survivors who have special abilities that can help you in your war against the zombies.
    • Research the mutating zombie virus to find ways to control and possibly eradicate it.


    • State of Survival: Zombie War offers a unique blend of survival, strategy, and RPG elements that will keep you engaged for hours.
    • The game has stunning graphics and controls that are easy to grasp for both beginners and seasoned gamers.
    • It also has an impressive storyline that unfolds as you progress, increasing the stakes and immersing you in the game's world.
    • Additionally, the multiplayer feature allows you to team up with friends and other players around the world.


    Related Comments

    • 'An amazing game that provides hours of entertainment. The zombie apocalypse theme is perfectly executed.'
    • 'I love the blend of survival and strategy elements. Keeps me on my toes!'
    • 'The multiplayer aspect is fantastic. It's great coordinating with other players to survive.'
    • 'The story is captivating. I can't wait to see how it unfolds.'


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