Toca Life: Hospital

Toca Life: Hospital

Education Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Experience the excitement of a busy medical center with Toca Life: Hospital!


  • Toca Life: Hospital is the ultimate medical center experience that lets you explore and discover the joys and pains of life. Whether it's welcoming new babies into the world or saying goodbye to loved ones, this app lets you experience it all.
  • With Toca Life: Hospital, you can tell your own make-believe or real-life stories about hospital checkups, X-rays, and all the other everyday things that take place there.
  • Game play

    • Explore five floors of the hospital, including the basement, entrance, treatment, family care, and general care floors.
    • Use all the tools you would find in a real-life hospital, such as gurneys, bandages, crutches, hospital beds, wheelchairs, and more.
    • Move your characters from floor to floor using the big elevator.
    • Diagnose patients with the help of CAT scans or X-rays, and use the medical monitor to check surgery patients' vitals.
    • There's even a farewell room where you can give loved ones a chance to say goodbye in a peaceful setting.


    • Toca Life: Hospital lets you play out many scenarios, including creating videos of your very own hospital drama.
    • The app offers a safe and open-ended play experience that sparks creativity and imagination in kids.
    • It's an excellent educational tool that teaches children about the importance of hospitals and medical care.
    • The music selection adds to the various tones of your storytelling options, from dramatic to relaxing themes.
    • The game encourages empathy, as you learn about the patients' lives and see the highs and lows of medical treatment.


    Related Comments

    • Kids love Toca Life: Hospital's interactive gameplay. The graphics are great and very detailed!
    • The game is excellent for parents who wish to teach their children about hospitals and what to expect when they visit!
    • It's a fantastic game for children with imaginative minds to tell and create their stories while performing medical procedures!
    • The app receives constant updates, which shows that Toca Boca is an incredible app development studio that takes customer feedback seriously!


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