The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins

Role Playing Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Enter the world of the anime! Join the Seven Deadly Sins on a grand adventure!


  • Experience the thrill of battle and join the cast of The Seven Deadly Sins in the dynamic and awe-inspiring anime game, The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross. With its spectacular animations and riveting storyline that's true to the original, this turn-based RPG game is set to take your gaming experience to the next level. Get ready for a brand new, novel approach to combat and unparalleled gameplay. So, what are you waiting for? Join the fight and download now!
  • Game play

    • Play in a brand-new turn-based RPG with a novel combat system that leverages skill synthesis for strategic fights.
    • Upgrade skills with the same star rank when placed next to each other for increased firepower.
    • Feel the thrill of each turn in the dynamic combat system. Combine cards to trigger an 'Ultimate Move' and decimate opponents.
    • Join forces with friends in real-time to defeat a giant demon in Death Match mode and enjoy exciting diverse PvP content.
    • Build your own team of The Seven Deadly Sins heroes and customize their outfits, hairstyles, and accessories.


    • The unique combat system and dynamic gameplay provide players with an engaging and thrilling game experience.
    • The cooperative team play feature allows for strategy development and encourages coordination among players.
    • The detailed recreation and beautifully executed animated cutscenes of the original world increase the immersion of the players.
    • The ability to personalize your characters allows players to have a more personalized and unique gaming experience.


    Related Comments

    • The battle sequences have been praised as being exciting, impactful and dynamically engaging.
    • Users have highlighted the graphics and art style as excellent, stating that it brings the world of The Seven Deadly Sins to life.
    • Players have commended the customizability of the characters, stating that it adds a personal touch to the gaming experience.
    • The unique combat system and star rank upgrade have been applauded as innovative and engrossing gameplay features.


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