Crazy Quiz

Crazy Quiz

Trivia Games
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  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

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Can you complete the 100 levels without turning mad?


  • Introduction: Are you seeking a game that not only entertains but also enhances your skills? Say hello to Crazy Quiz - an enticing app with over 100 levels that will keep you on your toes! This is a unique game that tests your general knowledge, skill, reflexes, and memory, making for an exciting endeavour that appeals to players of all ages.
  • Game play

    • Gameplay: Venture into the world of Crazy Quiz with 100 levels of brain games.
    • Each incorrect response takes you a level lower, but be ready for surprises, as the levels randomly evolve!
    • To counter the stress, there are simple games sprinkled through the levels, making your experience more enjoyable.


    • Pros: An immersive platform to evaluate and enhance different skills.
    • Variety in games, questions and levels to stave off monotony.
    • A dynamic game format that keeps players intrigued.
    • A casual yet engaging way to learn new facts and ideas.


    Related Comments

    • Related comments: ‘The Crazy Quiz is insanely fun and educative, my kids and I can’t get enough of it!’
    • ‘I love how unpredictable and challenging it is. Keeps you on your toes!’
    • ‘I usually am not too keen on quiz games but this one, it’s different and addictive!’
    • ‘The love the surprise elements and how each level is different from the other.’


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