Pikmin Bloom

Pikmin Bloom

Adventure Games
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  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Walk on. Game on.


  • Pikmin Bloom is an innovative and engaging game born from the harmonious marriage of outdoor exploration with the virtual world of Pikmin. This app allows players to enjoy the fun of geolocation technology while venturing outdoors, and at the same time, witness the blooming world of Pikmin unfold in front of their eyes. It encourages players to explore the world around them, ultimately rewarding them with in-game loot as they walk and discover new areas of their surroundings, ultimately making everyday life more extraordinary.
  • Game play

    • Travel and explore your city, town, or neighborhood and gather different types of Pikmin from the environment.
    • Build up your team of cute, friendly Pikmin by finding more seedlings and fruit while you walk.
    • Engage in team activities with friends to take down mushrooms and earn more rewards.
    • Decorate the in-game world with flowers, creating beautiful landscapes out of your real-world environment.
    • Track your steps and achieve fitness challenges using Google Fit.


    • At the core of Pikmin Bloom is its impressive geolocation technology which seamlessly combines the real and virtual worlds.
    • The gameplay mechanics are easy to understand and fun to engage with, making it suitable for both casual and serious gamers.
    • The colorful and bright setting of the game presents an enjoyable aesthetic.
    • There is a wholesome social aspect to the game, encouraging players to work together to achieve goals.
    • The game is integrated with Google Fit, making it a perfect motivator for maintaining physical activity.
    • The in-game characters are diverse and adorable, adding to the charm of the game.


    Related Comments

    • 'I absolutely adore Pikmin Bloom! It makes my everyday walks more interesting and adventurous.'
    • 'The in-game challenges are a great motivation for me to work-out and remain active.'
    • 'I love how the game connects the real and virtual world. It's a fun and exciting concept.'
    • 'The social aspect of the game is top-notch. Teaming up with friends to complete goals is a lot of fun.'


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