Super Meat Boy Forever is the long-awaited sequel to the classic indie hit Super Meat Boy. This game picks up years after the events of the original, where Meat Boy and Bandage Girl now have a family and a new threat emerges to kidnap their child. With brutal levels, randomly generated content, and tons of replayability, Super Meat Boy Forever is a must-play for any platformer fan.
Get ready to run, jump, punch, and slide your way through a world of danger and excitement in Super Meat Boy Forever!
Game play
Brutal levels that will test your skills and reflexes.
Randomly generated content ensures a unique gameplay experience every time.
Unlock new characters and power-ups to help you on your journey.
Boss battles that will leave you breathless.
Upgrade your skills and abilities to become an unstoppable force.
Tons of replayability with randomly generated levels and secrets to discover.
Challenging but satisfying gameplay.
Beautifully animated cutscenes that further the story.
Incredible soundtrack that sets the mood for each level.
A monumental example of game design and production.
Related Comments
Super Meat Boy Forever is a masterclass in platforming and a worthy successor to the original!
This game is tough as nails, but the feeling of accomplishment when you beat a level is unmatched!
The randomly generated levels keep the game fresh and exciting, even after multiple playthroughs!
The bosses in this game are some of the most challenging and rewarding encounters I've ever had in a platformer!