Where's My Water?

Where's My Water?

Puzzle Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Get the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler!


  • Get ready for the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler, Where's My Water? This ingenious game puts you in the shoes of Swampy, a friendly alligator living in the city's sewers who loves nothing more than ending his day with a long relaxing shower. However, trouble is afoot with Swampy's plumbing and he needs your help to get the water flowing!
  • Game play

    • Each level of Where's My Water? is a unique, physics-based puzzle with realistic mechanics.
    • Your job is to cut through dirt and guide fresh water, dirty water, toxic water, steam and ooze through a series of increasingly challenging scenarios.
    • As the game progresses, you'll meet Swampy's friends - Allie, Cranky and Mystery Duck, each of whom brings their own unique stories and levels adding to the game's complexity.


    • The game boasts original stories and characters, offering over 500 amazing puzzles.
    • The tools and scenarios presented are simple but require creativity and strategic thinking to solve, making it an engaging game for all ages.
    • Where's My Water? offers collectibles, challenges and bonus levels adding layers of complexity and amusement to the game.
    • The game is free to play but additional in-app purchases can provide more exclusive content.


    Related Comments

    • One user wrote, 'Where's My Water? kept both me and my kids entertained for hours. Definitely a must-have game for family game night.'
    • Another said, 'The puzzles are challenging and require a lot of brainpower. It’s highly addictive!'
    • 'Swampy is such a cute character, it's hard not to root for him. Easily my favorite mobile game,' commented a third user.


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