Don't Starve: Pocket Edition

Don't Starve: Pocket Edition


Oct 19, 2016
Offered By
Klei Entertainment Inc.


Play the hit game enjoyed by over 6 million players!


Don't Starve: Pocket Edition, previously a popular PC survival game enjoyed by over 6 million players, can now be experienced on Android. Get ready for an immersive wilderness survival journey infused with science, magic, and bucket loads of fun! Play as Wilson, a brave Gentleman Scientist transported to an unknown and mysterious world where surviving against its often deadly conditions is your only hope of making it back home.

Game play

  • Get to be Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist trapped in a mysterious wilderness world.
  • Explore an uncharted world teeming with strange creatures, hazards, and surprises.
  • Collect resources and craft items and structures to aid your survival.
  • Unravel the mysteries of this bizarre land, your way.


  • Immerse yourself in a thrilling wilderness survival adventure full of scientific and magical elements.
  • In-depth world exploration allows you to uncover strange creatures and dangers that make each playthrough unique and unpredictable.
  • Extensive resource and crafting system ensures engaging and strategic gameplay, allowing personalized survival plans.
  • Complex and mysterious narrative that keeps you eager to discover more.

Related Comments

  • This game offers a unique survival experience that is both challenging and rewarding.
  • Exciting, fun gameplay with a fine balance of adventure and strategy.
  • Immensely enjoyable and gives a feeling of real accomplishment when progressing.
  • A rich, detailed world that is a joy to discover and explore.

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