Survivalcraft 2

Survivalcraft 2


Dec 10, 2016
Offered By
Candy Rufus Games


Explore infinite world and survive in a realistic environment full of animals.


In the world of open sandbox and survival games, Survivalcraft 2 is a compelling choice. It cuts you adrift on the shores of an infinite blocky world where survival is key, and exploration is endless. Mine for precious resources, craft tools for survival, create traps, and grow life-sustaining plants. Whether it's riding horses, blasting through rocks with explosives, tailoring clothes, or constructing complex machinery, Survivalcraft 2 will loop you into its charming, immersive, and challenging gameplay.

Game play

  • Explore and mine resources from the blocky world to aid your survival.
  • Craft tools, weapons, animations, and furniture.
  • Grow plants, hunt animals, and farm crops for food and resources.
  • Build shelters to shield against the cold nights and predators.
  • Connect online and share your worlds, showing off your crafted scenarios and adventures.


  • Engaging gameplay with diverse activities that keep your survival instincts on their toes.
  • Infinite open-world exploration offering endless possibilities for unique encounters and discoveries.
  • Multiplayer functionality promoting connectivity and game-sharing for a more enriching experience.
  • Highly detailed sandbox and survival aspects that render an authentic and immersive gaming experience.

Related Comments

  • I'm blown away with the depth and breadth of Survivalcraft 2's gameplay, exploration, and crafting.
  • This game redefines the sandbox genre. The survival elements combined with creativity are deeply engaging.
  • Every session brings a new adventure. One moment you're building, next you're running from a predator. It's thrilling.
  • It's a joy to share my worlds online. I love seeing others' creations and experiencing their adventures.

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