Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Adventure Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Join KIM KARDASHIAN to find your squad and rise to fame in Hollywood


  • Step into the glamorous world of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, where you can experience the glitz and glam of celebrity life. Join Kim on star-studded events, participate in photo shoots, fashion shows, and movie premieres. In this interactive game, your choices shape your journey from obscure Hollywood newcomer to A-list celebrity. Live in fancy villas, flaunt luxurious outfits, and hobnob with other celebrities.
  • Game play

    • Choose your path from being a top model, movie star, or fashion stylist.
    • Craft and showcase your inimitable style with a wide range of clothes and accessories.
    • As your popularity rises, you'll rub shoulders with top celebrities, nab lucrative endorsements and score invites to posh events.
    • Visit popular hotspots in LA, Tokyo, Paris and more, and build up your virtual home.


    • New friends from around the world await you in this absorbing fashion story game.
    • With interactive story mode, your Hollywood journey is filled with fame, fashion, style, and love stories.
    • As a fashion stylist, mix and match different styles and compete with other players so you can become the biggest celebrity.
    • Join a squad to earn rewards, exclusive designer clothing and more!


    Related Comments

    • Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a guilty pleasure. It's so satisfying seeing your character evolve into a star.
    • It's surprisingly addictive. The interactive storytelling and the fashion competitions are standout features.
    • The game's graphics and details show a lot of efforts. It truly gives you a taste of Hollywood life.
    • The social aspect of the game is a big plus. It's fun to play with friends and work together as a squad.


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