

Strategy Games
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    Android Ios

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Wage war and lead your army to victory. Base building meets online PVP battles


  • Are you geared up to establish a thriving metropolis from a small settlement, commanding nations as it grows in DomiNations? Engage in all-out warfare, taking your conquests across different periods in history, from the early appearance of civilizations to modern times, where you manage historical figures and fight epic battles.
  • Game play

    • Start an early settlement and grow it through the ages.
    • Study under history’s greats at the University, like Leonardo Da Vinci and Catherine the Great.
    • Build an empire and command nations as it grows from a small village to a thriving metropolis.
    • Build your army, test your strategy against other players in PvP combat or form alliances to conquer the world together in DomiNations.
    • Unleash the full force of your unique battle strategy to outwit and outlast your opponents in 50-on-50 Alliance warfare.


    • DomiNations offers a unique mix of elements where base building meets strategic games.
    • Each civilization, from the Romans to the Japanese Empire all have unique units and strengths.
    • Players can strategically wage wars against enemies, defend their empires and historically advance through campaigns.
    • The game allows you to work alongside history’s greatest minds and leaders like Leonardo Da Vinci, Cleopatra, King Sejong, and other trailblazers.


    Related Comments

    • One player exclaimed, 'Wow! The game's blend of history and strategy is just fantastic.'
    • Another one shared, 'The game is exciting and gives you a chance to learn different aspects of history and warfare.'
    • A strategy enthusiast noted, 'The different civilizations and their unique strengths keep the game engaging and challenging.'
    • A history buff commented, 'Working alongside the greatest minds from history is just surreal. What a fantastic educational tool!'


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