Carpet Roller - Dress & Rugs

Carpet Roller - Dress & Rugs

Arcade Games
  • Rating

  • OS/Platform

    Android Ios

  • Price



Roll on the carpet with your high heels and try to reach the end!


  • Navigate through addictive obstacle courses, grow your luxurious rug and earn fashion items in the Carpet Roller - Dress & Rugs game, one of the trendiest games of the year that has garnered millions of views on TikTok.
  • Game play

    • Collect pieces to grow your carpet while avoiding obstacles like saws, cylinders, and wrecking balls.
    • Safely reach the end of the level to earn surprises and unlock new fashion items.
    • Collect all emeralds and rug pieces to unlock items like new shoes for girls, high heels, clothes, and stylish accessories like sunglasses and fashion bags.


    • This game offers a captivating 3D adventure that provides entertainment and style.
    • The game is completely free offering constant enjoyment without any cost.
    • The game has an engaging gameplay that keeps you on your toes with different kinds of obstacles. It's never boring!


    Related Comments

    • The graphics and gameplay manage to hit the mark exceptionally well.
    • It provides a good balance of fun and challenge, making it easy to lose track of time while playing.
    • The game's ability to combine obstacle gaming with fashion rewards is a hit among players, especially girls, who love the bonus of unlocking new clothes and accessories.


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